MAVAA é um atelier de
arquitectura sediado no Porto com projectos e obras públicas e privadas em Portugal
e Itália. O atelier venceu o Premio Architettura Toscana 2022, recebeu uma menção honrosa do Premio
Architetto Italiano 2020, foi finalista do European Collective Housing Award 2024 e do Bauwelt Award 2017, e seleccionado para o PremisFAD
Internacionals 2017 e para o BigMat BMIAA’19.
MAVAA is an architectural office based in Porto (Portugal) with projects and built works, both private and public, in Portugal and Italy. The studio was awarded the Premio Architettura Toscana 2022, recipient of an honorable mention of Premio Architetto Italiano 2020, finalist of the European Collective Housing Award 2024 and the Bauwelt Award 2017, and shortlisted for PremisFAD Internacionals 2017 and BigMat BMIAA’19.
MAVAA is an architectural office based in Porto (Portugal) with projects and built works, both private and public, in Portugal and Italy. The studio was awarded the Premio Architettura Toscana 2022, recipient of an honorable mention of Premio Architetto Italiano 2020, finalist of the European Collective Housing Award 2024 and the Bauwelt Award 2017, and shortlisted for PremisFAD Internacionals 2017 and BigMat BMIAA’19.